What does an online classroom look like?

Online courses at Ohio State are different from face-to-face courses. Our faculty members design their online courses to take advantage of the possibilities of the Internet—ways of communicating across distances, connecting to outside people and ideas, working through problems and presenting information.

Online courses have many of the elements of face-to-face courses, but the structure, format and timing is different. The majority of Ohio State's online programs are offered in an asynchronous format.

In an asynchronous course, work is completed on your own time, within a certain timeframe. Instead of distinct class sessions, then homework and preparation, your online courses will usually be divided into week-long modules where you will have:

  • a major topic or task
  • supporting materials (videos, reading, or other media)
  • ongoing discussion and collaboration with your professor and classmates
  • an opportunity to practice and receive feedback

Some online programs are offered in a synchronous format. In a synchronous course, students will virtually attend a class session each week, at the same time as their instructors and classmates. 


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